Online Fraction Calculator

The online fraction calculator calculates the fraction value of any decimal number. You can select 16ths, 32nds, 64ths, or 100ths precision values. This calculator that converts decimal values to fractions is very useful on projects where a tape measure is being used.

To use this calculator, enter a decimal number in the top Input field, select the fraction precision that you want, and click the Convert to Fraction button. The results will appear below in the Results text box. To calculate another fraction, click the Clear button and start over.

Online Fraction Calculator

Convert Decimal to Fraction

 Input (enter decimal value)  
 Select Fraction Precision  

 Result (simplified fraction)

Check out the math calculators with fractions on the carpentry calculators page. There are several other construction calculators that you will find useful on that page; the stair calculator; the arch calculator; the roof pitch calculator; and the cubic yard calculator for measuring volumes of concrete, etc.

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